Enable multi-line selection on frontend tests

This commit is contained in:
Luiza Pagliari 2016-06-21 06:48:10 -03:00
parent b24e62f90a
commit 95dc9d0315
3 changed files with 209 additions and 10 deletions

View file

@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ var helper = {};
helper.init = function(cb){
$iframeContainer = $("#iframe-container");
// make sure we don't override existing jquery
jsLibraries["jquery"] = "if(typeof $ === 'undefined') {\n" + code + "\n}";
jsLibraries["sendkeys"] = code;
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ var helper = {};
var getFrameJQuery = function($iframe){
I tried over 9000 ways to inject javascript into iframes.
I tried over 9000 ways to inject javascript into iframes.
This is the only way I found that worked in IE 7+8+9, FF and Chrome
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ var helper = {};
win.$.window = win;
win.$.document = doc;
@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ var helper = {};
padName = "FRONTEND_TEST_" + helper.randomString(20);
$iframe = $("<iframe src='/p/" + padName + "'></iframe>");
//clean up inner iframe references
helper.padChrome$ = helper.padOuter$ = helper.padInner$ = null;
//clean up iframes properly to prevent IE from memoryleaking
$iframe.one('load', function(){
$iframe.one('load', function(){
return !$iframe.contents().find("#editorloadingbox").is(":visible");
}, 50000).done(function(){
@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ var helper = {};
helper.padChrome$.fx.off = true;
helper.padOuter$.fx.off = true;
helper.padInner$.fx.off = true;
throw new Error("Pad never loaded");
return padName;
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ var helper = {};
var intervalTime = _intervalTime || 10;
var deferred = $.Deferred();
var _fail = deferred.fail;
var listenForFail = false;
deferred.fail = function(){
@ -142,6 +142,65 @@ var helper = {};
return deferred;
helper.selectLines = function($startLine, $endLine, startOffset, endOffset){
// if no offset is provided, use beginning of start line and end of end line
startOffset = startOffset || 0;
endOffset = endOffset || $endLine.text().length;
var inner$ = helper.padInner$;
var selection = inner$.document.getSelection();
var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
var start = getTextNodeAndOffsetOf($startLine, startOffset);
var end = getTextNodeAndOffsetOf($endLine, endOffset);
range.setStart(start.node, start.offset);
range.setEnd(end.node, end.offset);
var getTextNodeAndOffsetOf = function($targetLine, targetOffsetAtLine){
var $textNodes = $targetLine.find('*').contents().filter(function(){
return this.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE;
// search node where targetOffsetAtLine is reached, and its 'inner offset'
var textNodeWhereOffsetIs = null;
var offsetBeforeTextNode = 0;
var offsetInsideTextNode = 0;
$textNodes.each(function(index, element){
var elementTotalOffset = element.textContent.length;
textNodeWhereOffsetIs = element;
offsetInsideTextNode = targetOffsetAtLine - offsetBeforeTextNode;
var foundTextNode = offsetBeforeTextNode + elementTotalOffset >= targetOffsetAtLine;
if (foundTextNode){
return false; //stop .each by returning false
offsetBeforeTextNode += elementTotalOffset;
// edge cases
if (textNodeWhereOffsetIs === null){
// there was no text node inside $targetLine, so it is an empty line (<br>).
// Use beginning of line
textNodeWhereOffsetIs = $targetLine.get(0);
offsetInsideTextNode = 0;
// avoid errors if provided targetOffsetAtLine is higher than line offset (maxOffset).
// Use max allowed instead
var maxOffset = textNodeWhereOffsetIs.textContent.length;
offsetInsideTextNode = Math.min(offsetInsideTextNode, maxOffset);
return {
node: textNodeWhereOffsetIs,
offset: offsetInsideTextNode,
/* Ensure console.log doesn't blow up in IE, ugly but ok for a test framework imho*/
window.console = window.console || {};
window.console.log = window.console.log || function(){}

View file

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ describe("the test helper", function(){
it("takes an interval and checks on every interval", function(done){
var checks = 0;
return false;
@ -96,4 +96,99 @@ describe("the test helper", function(){
describe("the selectLines method", function(){
// function to support tests, use a single way to represent whitespaces
var cleanText = function(text){
return text
.replace(/\n/gi, "\\\\n") // avoid \n to be replaced by \s on next line
.replace(/\s/gi, " ")
.replace(/\\\\n/gi, "\n"); // move back \n to its original state
helper.newPad(function() {
// create some lines to be used on the tests
var $firstLine = helper.padInner$("div").first();
$firstLine.sendkeys("{selectall}some{enter}short{enter}lines{enter}to test{enter}");
// wait for lines to be split
var $fourthLine = helper.padInner$("div").slice(3,4);
return $fourthLine.text() === "to test";
it("changes editor selection to be between startOffset of $startLine and endOffset of $endLine", function(done){
var inner$ = helper.padInner$;
var startOffset = 2;
var endOffset = 4;
var $lines = inner$("div");
var $startLine = $lines.slice(1,2);
var $endLine = $lines.slice(3,4);
helper.selectLines($startLine, $endLine, startOffset, endOffset);
var selection = inner$.document.getSelection();
expect(cleanText(selection.toString())).to.be("ort \nlines \nto t");
it("ends selection at beginning of $endLine when it is an empty line", function(done){
var inner$ = helper.padInner$;
var startOffset = 2;
var endOffset = 1;
var $lines = inner$("div");
var $startLine = $lines.slice(1,2);
var $endLine = $lines.slice(4,5);
helper.selectLines($startLine, $endLine, startOffset, endOffset);
var selection = inner$.document.getSelection();
expect(cleanText(selection.toString())).to.be("ort \nlines \nto test\n");
it("selects full line when offset is longer than line content", function(done){
var inner$ = helper.padInner$;
var startOffset = 2;
var endOffset = 50;
var $lines = inner$("div");
var $startLine = $lines.slice(1,2);
var $endLine = $lines.slice(3,4);
helper.selectLines($startLine, $endLine, startOffset, endOffset);
var selection = inner$.document.getSelection();
expect(cleanText(selection.toString())).to.be("ort \nlines \nto test");
it("selects all text between beginning of $startLine and end of $endLine when no offset is provided", function(done){
var inner$ = helper.padInner$;
var $lines = inner$("div");
var $startLine = $lines.slice(1,2);
var $endLine = $lines.slice(3,4);
helper.selectLines($startLine, $endLine);
var selection = inner$.document.getSelection();
expect(cleanText(selection.toString())).to.be("short \nlines \nto test");

View file

@ -142,6 +142,51 @@ describe("indentation button", function(){
it("issue #2772 shows '*' when multiple indented lines receive a style and are outdented", function(done){
var inner$ = helper.padInner$;
var chrome$ = helper.padChrome$;
// make sure pad has more than one line
return inner$("div").first().text().trim() === "First";
// indent first 2 lines
var $lines = inner$("div");
var $firstLine = $lines.first();
var $secondLine = $lines.slice(1,2);
helper.selectLines($firstLine, $secondLine);
var $indentButton = chrome$(".buttonicon-indent");
return inner$("div").first().find("ul li").length === 1;
// apply bold
var $boldButton = chrome$(".buttonicon-bold");
return inner$("div").first().find("b").length === 1;
// outdent first 2 lines
var $outdentButton = chrome$(".buttonicon-outdent");
return inner$("div").first().find("ul li").length === 0;
// check if '*' is displayed
var $secondLine = inner$("div").slice(1,2);
it("makes text indented and outdented", function() {