Pad: Add strict validation checks

This commit is contained in:
Richard Hansen 2021-11-27 03:37:34 -05:00
parent 2608a81654
commit 7c870f8a58
5 changed files with 166 additions and 238 deletions

View file

@ -10,79 +10,18 @@ process.on('unhandledRejection', (err) => { throw err; });
if (process.argv.length !== 2) throw new Error('Use: node src/bin/checkAllPads.js');
(async () => {
// initialize the database
const db = require('../node/db/DB');
await db.init();
// load modules
const Changeset = require('../static/js/Changeset');
const padManager = require('../node/db/PadManager');
let revTestedCount = 0;
// get all pads
const res = await padManager.listAllPads();
for (const padId of res.padIDs) {
await Promise.all((await padManager.listAllPads()) (padId) => {
const pad = await padManager.getPad(padId);
// check if the pad has a pool
if (pad.pool == null) {
console.error(`[${}] Missing attribute pool`);
// create an array with key kevisions
// key revisions always save the full pad atext
const head = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber();
const keyRevisions = [];
for (let rev = 0; rev < head; rev += 100) {
// run through all key revisions
for (const keyRev of keyRevisions) {
// create an array of revisions we need till the next keyRevision or the End
const revisionsNeeded = [];
for (let rev = keyRev; rev <= keyRev + 100 && rev <= head; rev++) {
// this array will hold all revision changesets
const revisions = [];
// run through all needed revisions and get them from the database
for (const revNum of revisionsNeeded) {
const revision = await db.get(`pad:${}:revs:${revNum}`);
revisions[revNum] = revision;
// check if the revision exists
if (revisions[keyRev] == null) {
console.error(`[${}] Missing revision ${keyRev}`);
// check if there is a atext in the keyRevisions
let {meta: {atext} = {}} = revisions[keyRev];
if (atext == null) {
console.error(`[${}] Missing atext in revision ${keyRev}`);
const apool = pad.pool;
for (let rev = keyRev + 1; rev <= keyRev + 100 && rev <= head; rev++) {
try {
const cs = revisions[rev].changeset;
atext = Changeset.applyToAText(cs, atext, apool);
} catch (e) {
console.error(`[${}] Bad changeset at revision ${rev} - ${e.message}`);
await pad.check();
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Error in pad ${padId}: ${err.stack || err}`);
if (revTestedCount === 0) {
throw new Error('No revisions tested');
console.log(`Finished: Tested ${revTestedCount} revisions`);
console.log(`Pad ${padId}: OK`);

View file

@ -8,75 +8,13 @@
process.on('unhandledRejection', (err) => { throw err; });
if (process.argv.length !== 3) throw new Error('Use: node src/bin/checkPad.js $PADID');
// get the padID
const padId = process.argv[2];
let checkRevisionCount = 0;
(async () => {
// initialize database
const db = require('../node/db/DB');
await db.init();
// load modules
const Changeset = require('../static/js/Changeset');
const padManager = require('../node/db/PadManager');
const exists = await padManager.doesPadExists(padId);
if (!exists) throw new Error('Pad does not exist');
// get the pad
if (!await padManager.doesPadExists(padId)) throw new Error('Pad does not exist');
const pad = await padManager.getPad(padId);
// create an array with key revisions
// key revisions always save the full pad atext
const head = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber();
const keyRevisions = [];
for (let rev = 0; rev < head; rev += 100) {
// run through all key revisions
for (let keyRev of keyRevisions) {
keyRev = parseInt(keyRev);
// create an array of revisions we need till the next keyRevision or the End
const revisionsNeeded = [];
for (let rev = keyRev; rev <= keyRev + 100 && rev <= head; rev++) {
// this array will hold all revision changesets
const revisions = [];
// run through all needed revisions and get them from the database
for (const revNum of revisionsNeeded) {
const revision = await db.get(`pad:${padId}:revs:${revNum}`);
revisions[revNum] = revision;
// check if the pad has a pool
if (pad.pool == null) throw new Error('Attribute pool is missing');
// check if there is an atext in the keyRevisions
let {meta: {atext} = {}} = revisions[keyRev] || {};
if (atext == null) {
console.error(`No atext in key revision ${keyRev}`);
const apool = pad.pool;
for (let rev = keyRev + 1; rev <= keyRev + 100 && rev <= head; rev++) {
try {
const cs = revisions[rev].changeset;
atext = Changeset.applyToAText(cs, atext, apool);
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Bad changeset at revision ${rev} - ${e.message}`);
console.log(`Finished: Checked ${checkRevisionCount} revisions`);
await pad.check();

View file

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
* This is a debug tool. It checks all revisions for data corruption
// As of v14, Node.js does not exit when there is an unhandled Promise rejection. Convert an
// unhandled rejection into an uncaught exception, which does cause Node.js to exit.
process.on('unhandledRejection', (err) => { throw err; });
if (process.argv.length !== 3) throw new Error('Use: node src/bin/checkPadDeltas.js $PADID');
// get the padID
const padId = process.argv[2];
const expect = require('../tests/frontend/lib/expect');
const diff = require('diff');
(async () => {
// initialize database
const db = require('../node/db/DB');
await db.init();
// load modules
const Changeset = require('../static/js/Changeset');
const padManager = require('../node/db/PadManager');
const exists = await padManager.doesPadExists(padId);
if (!exists) throw new Error('Pad does not exist');
// get the pad
const pad = await padManager.getPad(padId);
// create an array with key revisions
// key revisions always save the full pad atext
const head = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber();
const keyRevisions = [];
for (let i = 0; i < head; i += 100) {
// create an array with all revisions
const revisions = [];
for (let i = 0; i <= head; i++) {
let atext = Changeset.makeAText('\n');
// run through all revisions
for (const revNum of revisions) {
// console.log('Fetching', revNum)
const revision = await db.get(`pad:${padId}:revs:${revNum}`);
// check if there is a atext in the keyRevisions
const {meta: {atext: revAtext} = {}} = revision || {};
if (~keyRevisions.indexOf(revNum) && revAtext == null) {
console.error(`No atext in key revision ${revNum}`);
// try glue everything together
try {
// console.log("check revision ", revNum);
const cs = revision.changeset;
atext = Changeset.applyToAText(cs, atext, pad.pool);
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Bad changeset at revision ${revNum} - ${e.message}`);
// check things are working properly
if (~keyRevisions.indexOf(revNum)) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Atext in key revision ${revNum} doesn't match computed one.`);
console.log(diff.diffChars(atext.text, revision.meta.atext.text).map((op) => {
if (!op.added && !op.removed) op.value = op.value.length;
return op;
// console.error(e)
// console.log('KeyRev. :', revision.meta.atext)
// console.log('Computed:', atext)
// check final text is right...
if (pad.atext.text === atext.text) {
} else {
console.error('Pad AText doesn\'t match computed one! (Computed ',
atext.text.length, ', db', pad.atext.text.length, ')');
console.log(diff.diffChars(atext.text, pad.atext.text).map((op) => {
if (!op.added && !op.removed) {
op.value = op.value.length;
return op;

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
const Changeset = require('../../static/js/Changeset');
const ChatMessage = require('../../static/js/ChatMessage');
const AttributePool = require('../../static/js/AttributePool');
const assert = require('assert').strict;
const db = require('./DB');
const settings = require('../utils/Settings');
const authorManager = require('./AuthorManager');
@ -602,3 +603,127 @@ Pad.prototype.addSavedRevision = async function (revNum, savedById, label) {
Pad.prototype.getSavedRevisions = function () {
return this.savedRevisions;
* Asserts that all pad data is consistent. Throws if inconsistent.
Pad.prototype.check = async function () {
assert( != null);
assert.equal(typeof, 'string');
const head = this.getHeadRevisionNumber();
assert(head >= -1);
const savedRevisionsList = this.getSavedRevisionsList();
assert.equal(this.getSavedRevisionsNumber(), savedRevisionsList.length);
let prevSavedRev = null;
for (const rev of savedRevisionsList) {
assert(rev >= 0);
assert(rev <= head);
assert(prevSavedRev == null || rev > prevSavedRev);
prevSavedRev = rev;
const savedRevisions = this.getSavedRevisions();
assert.equal(savedRevisions.length, savedRevisionsList.length);
const savedRevisionsIds = new Set();
for (const savedRev of savedRevisions) {
assert(savedRev != null);
assert.equal(typeof savedRev, 'object');
assert( != null);
assert.equal(typeof, 'string');
const pool = this.apool();
assert(pool instanceof AttributePool);
await pool.check();
const decodeAttribString = function* (str) {
const re = /\*([0-9a-z]+)|./gy;
let match;
while ((match = re.exec(str)) != null) {
const [m, n] = match;
if (n == null) throw new Error(`invalid character in attribute string: ${m}`);
yield Number.parseInt(n, 36);
const authors = new Set();
pool.eachAttrib((k, v) => {
if (k === 'author' && v) authors.add(v);
let atext = Changeset.makeAText('\n');
let r;
try {
for (r = 0; r <= head; ++r) {
const [changeset, author, timestamp] = await Promise.all([
assert(author != null);
assert.equal(typeof author, 'string');
if (author) authors.add(author);
assert(timestamp != null);
assert.equal(typeof timestamp, 'number');
assert(timestamp > 0);
assert(changeset != null);
assert.equal(typeof changeset, 'string');
const unpacked = Changeset.unpack(changeset);
let text = atext.text;
const iter = Changeset.opIterator(unpacked.ops);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
const op =;
if (['=', '-'].includes(op.opcode)) {
assert(text.length >= op.chars);
const consumed = text.slice(0, op.chars);
const nlines = (consumed.match(/\n/g) || []).length;
assert.equal(op.lines, nlines);
if (op.lines > 0) assert(consumed.endsWith('\n'));
text = text.slice(op.chars);
let prevK = null;
for (const n of decodeAttribString(op.attribs)) {
const attrib = pool.getAttrib(n);
assert(attrib != null);
const [k] = attrib;
assert(prevK == null || prevK < k);
prevK = k;
atext = Changeset.applyToAText(changeset, atext, pool);
assert.deepEqual(await this.getInternalRevisionAText(r), atext);
} catch (err) {
const pfx = `(pad ${} revision ${r}) `;
if (err.stack) err.stack = pfx + err.stack;
err.message = pfx + err.message;
throw err;
assert.equal(this.text(), atext.text);
assert.deepEqual(this.atext, atext);
assert.deepEqual(this.getAllAuthors().sort(), [...authors].sort());
assert(this.chatHead >= -1);
let c;
try {
for (c = 0; c <= this.chatHead; ++c) {
const msg = await this.getChatMessage(c);
assert(msg != null);
assert(msg instanceof ChatMessage);
} catch (err) {
const pfx = `(pad ${} chat message ${c}) `;
if (err.stack) err.stack = pfx + err.stack;
err.message = pfx + err.message;
throw err;

View file

@ -188,6 +188,35 @@ class AttributePool {
return this;
* Asserts that the data in the pool is consistent. Throws if inconsistent.
check() {
if (!Number.isInteger(this.nextNum)) throw new Error('nextNum property is not an integer');
if (this.nextNum < 0) throw new Error('nextNum property is negative');
for (const prop of ['numToAttrib', 'attribToNum']) {
const obj = this[prop];
if (obj == null) throw new Error(`${prop} property is null`);
if (typeof obj !== 'object') throw new TypeError(`${prop} property is not an object`);
const keys = Object.keys(obj);
if (keys.length !== this.nextNum) {
throw new Error(`${prop} size mismatch (want ${this.nextNum}, got ${keys.length})`);
for (let i = 0; i < this.nextNum; ++i) {
const attr = this.numToAttrib[`${i}`];
if (!Array.isArray(attr)) throw new TypeError(`attrib ${i} is not an array`);
if (attr.length !== 2) throw new Error(`attrib ${i} is not an array of length 2`);
const [k, v] = attr;
if (k == null) throw new TypeError(`attrib ${i} key is null`);
if (typeof k !== 'string') throw new TypeError(`attrib ${i} key is not a string`);
if (v == null) throw new TypeError(`attrib ${i} value is null`);
if (typeof v !== 'string') throw new TypeError(`attrib ${i} value is not a string`);
const attrStr = String(attr);
if (this.attribToNum[attrStr] !== i) throw new Error(`attribToNum for ${attrStr} !== ${i}`);
module.exports = AttributePool;