diff --git a/src/tests/frontend/specs/easysync.js b/src/tests/frontend/specs/easysync.js
index 6cd3cc6b7..00ca58f45 100644
--- a/src/tests/frontend/specs/easysync.js
+++ b/src/tests/frontend/specs/easysync.js
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ const randomTestChangeset = (origText, withAttribs) => {
return [cs, outText];
-describe('easysync', function () {
+describe('easysync-assembler', function () {
it('opAssembler', async function () {
const x = '-c*3*4+6|3=az*asdf0*1*2*3+1=1-1+1*0+1=1-1+1|c=c-1';
const assem = Changeset.opAssembler();
@@ -257,6 +257,225 @@ describe('easysync', function () {
+ describe('append atext to assembler', function () {
+ const testAppendATextToAssembler = (testId, atext, correctOps) => {
+ it(`testAppendATextToAssembler#${testId}`, async function () {
+ const assem = Changeset.smartOpAssembler();
+ for (const op of Changeset.opsFromAText(atext)) assem.append(op);
+ expect(assem.toString()).to.equal(correctOps);
+ });
+ };
+ testAppendATextToAssembler(1, {
+ text: '\n',
+ attribs: '|1+1',
+ }, '');
+ testAppendATextToAssembler(2, {
+ text: '\n\n',
+ attribs: '|2+2',
+ }, '|1+1');
+ testAppendATextToAssembler(3, {
+ text: '\n\n',
+ attribs: '*x|2+2',
+ }, '*x|1+1');
+ testAppendATextToAssembler(4, {
+ text: '\n\n',
+ attribs: '*x|1+1|1+1',
+ }, '*x|1+1');
+ testAppendATextToAssembler(5, {
+ text: 'foo\n',
+ attribs: '|1+4',
+ }, '+3');
+ testAppendATextToAssembler(6, {
+ text: '\nfoo\n',
+ attribs: '|2+5',
+ }, '|1+1+3');
+ testAppendATextToAssembler(7, {
+ text: '\nfoo\n',
+ attribs: '*x|2+5',
+ }, '*x|1+1*x+3');
+ testAppendATextToAssembler(8, {
+ text: '\n\n\nfoo\n',
+ attribs: '|2+2*x|2+5',
+ }, '|2+2*x|1+1*x+3');
+ });
+describe('easysync-compose', function () {
+ describe('compose', function () {
+ const testCompose = (randomSeed) => {
+ it(`testCompose#${randomSeed}`, async function () {
+ const p = new AttributePool();
+ const startText = `${randomMultiline(10, 20)}\n`;
+ const x1 = randomTestChangeset(startText);
+ const change1 = x1[0];
+ const text1 = x1[1];
+ const x2 = randomTestChangeset(text1);
+ const change2 = x2[0];
+ const text2 = x2[1];
+ const x3 = randomTestChangeset(text2);
+ const change3 = x3[0];
+ const text3 = x3[1];
+ const change12 = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.compose(change1, change2, p));
+ const change23 = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.compose(change2, change3, p));
+ const change123 = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.compose(change12, change3, p));
+ const change123a = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.compose(change1, change23, p));
+ expect(change123a).to.equal(change123);
+ expect(Changeset.applyToText(change12, startText)).to.equal(text2);
+ expect(Changeset.applyToText(change23, text1)).to.equal(text3);
+ expect(Changeset.applyToText(change123, startText)).to.equal(text3);
+ });
+ };
+ for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) testCompose(i);
+ });
+ describe('compose attributes', function () {
+ it('simpleComposeAttributesTest', async function () {
+ const p = new AttributePool();
+ p.putAttrib(['bold', '']);
+ p.putAttrib(['bold', 'true']);
+ const cs1 = Changeset.checkRep('Z:2>1*1+1*1=1$x');
+ const cs2 = Changeset.checkRep('Z:3>0*0|1=3$');
+ const cs12 = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.compose(cs1, cs2, p));
+ expect(cs12).to.equal('Z:2>1+1*0|1=2$x');
+ });
+ });
+describe('easysync-follow', function () {
+ describe('follow & compose', function () {
+ const testFollow = (randomSeed) => {
+ it(`testFollow#${randomSeed}`, async function () {
+ const p = new AttributePool();
+ const startText = `${randomMultiline(10, 20)}\n`;
+ const cs1 = randomTestChangeset(startText)[0];
+ const cs2 = randomTestChangeset(startText)[0];
+ const afb = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.follow(cs1, cs2, false, p));
+ const bfa = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.follow(cs2, cs1, true, p));
+ const merge1 = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.compose(cs1, afb));
+ const merge2 = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.compose(cs2, bfa));
+ expect(merge2).to.equal(merge1);
+ });
+ };
+ for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) testFollow(i);
+ });
+ describe('followAttributes & composeAttributes', function () {
+ const p = new AttributePool();
+ p.putAttrib(['x', '']);
+ p.putAttrib(['x', 'abc']);
+ p.putAttrib(['x', 'def']);
+ p.putAttrib(['y', '']);
+ p.putAttrib(['y', 'abc']);
+ p.putAttrib(['y', 'def']);
+ let n = 0;
+ const testFollow = (a, b, afb, bfa, merge) => {
+ it(`manual #${++n}`, async function () {
+ expect(Changeset.exportedForTestingOnly.followAttributes(a, b, p)).to.equal(afb);
+ expect(Changeset.exportedForTestingOnly.followAttributes(b, a, p)).to.equal(bfa);
+ expect(Changeset.composeAttributes(a, afb, true, p)).to.equal(merge);
+ expect(Changeset.composeAttributes(b, bfa, true, p)).to.equal(merge);
+ });
+ };
+ testFollow('', '', '', '', '');
+ testFollow('*0', '', '', '*0', '*0');
+ testFollow('*0', '*0', '', '', '*0');
+ testFollow('*0', '*1', '', '*0', '*0');
+ testFollow('*1', '*2', '', '*1', '*1');
+ testFollow('*0*1', '', '', '*0*1', '*0*1');
+ testFollow('*0*4', '*2*3', '*3', '*0', '*0*3');
+ testFollow('*0*4', '*2', '', '*0*4', '*0*4');
+ });
+ describe('chracterRangeFollow', function () {
+ const testCharacterRangeFollow = (testId, cs, oldRange, insertionsAfter, correctNewRange) => {
+ it(`testCharacterRangeFollow#${testId}`, async function () {
+ cs = Changeset.checkRep(cs);
+ expect(Changeset.characterRangeFollow(cs, oldRange[0], oldRange[1], insertionsAfter))
+ .to.eql(correctNewRange);
+ });
+ };
+ testCharacterRangeFollow(1, 'Z:z>9*0=1=4-3+9=1|1-4-4+1*0+a$123456789abcdefghijk',
+ [7, 10], false, [14, 15]);
+ testCharacterRangeFollow(2, 'Z:bc<6|x=b4|2-6$', [400, 407], false, [400, 401]);
+ testCharacterRangeFollow(3, 'Z:4>0-3+3$abc', [0, 3], false, [3, 3]);
+ testCharacterRangeFollow(4, 'Z:4>0-3+3$abc', [0, 3], true, [0, 0]);
+ testCharacterRangeFollow(5, 'Z:5>1+1=1-3+3$abcd', [1, 4], false, [5, 5]);
+ testCharacterRangeFollow(6, 'Z:5>1+1=1-3+3$abcd', [1, 4], true, [2, 2]);
+ testCharacterRangeFollow(7, 'Z:5>1+1=1-3+3$abcd', [0, 6], false, [1, 7]);
+ testCharacterRangeFollow(8, 'Z:5>1+1=1-3+3$abcd', [0, 3], false, [1, 2]);
+ testCharacterRangeFollow(9, 'Z:5>1+1=1-3+3$abcd', [2, 5], false, [5, 6]);
+ testCharacterRangeFollow(10, 'Z:2>1+1$a', [0, 0], false, [1, 1]);
+ testCharacterRangeFollow(11, 'Z:2>1+1$a', [0, 0], true, [0, 0]);
+ });
+describe('easysync-inverseRandom', function () {
+ describe('inverse random', function () {
+ const testInverseRandom = (randomSeed) => {
+ it(`testInverseRandom#${randomSeed}`, async function () {
+ const p = poolOrArray(['apple,', 'apple,true', 'banana,', 'banana,true']);
+ const startText = `${randomMultiline(10, 20)}\n`;
+ const alines =
+ Changeset.splitAttributionLines(Changeset.makeAttribution(startText), startText);
+ const lines = startText.slice(0, -1).split('\n').map((s) => `${s}\n`);
+ const stylifier = randomTestChangeset(startText, true)[0];
+ Changeset.mutateAttributionLines(stylifier, alines, p);
+ Changeset.mutateTextLines(stylifier, lines);
+ const changeset = randomTestChangeset(lines.join(''), true)[0];
+ const inverseChangeset = Changeset.inverse(changeset, lines, alines, p);
+ const origLines = lines.slice();
+ const origALines = alines.slice();
+ Changeset.mutateTextLines(changeset, lines);
+ Changeset.mutateAttributionLines(changeset, alines, p);
+ Changeset.mutateTextLines(inverseChangeset, lines);
+ Changeset.mutateAttributionLines(inverseChangeset, alines, p);
+ expect(lines).to.eql(origLines);
+ expect(alines).to.eql(origALines);
+ });
+ };
+ for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) testInverseRandom(i);
+ });
+ describe('inverse', function () {
+ const testInverse = (testId, cs, lines, alines, pool, correctOutput) => {
+ it(`testInverse#${testId}`, async function () {
+ pool = poolOrArray(pool);
+ const str = Changeset.inverse(Changeset.checkRep(cs), lines, alines, pool);
+ expect(str).to.equal(correctOutput);
+ });
+ };
+ // take "FFFFTTTTT" and apply "-FT--FFTT", the inverse of which is "--F--TT--"
+ testInverse(1, 'Z:9>0=1*0=1*1=1=2*0=2*1|1=2$', null,
+ ['+4*1+5'], ['bold,', 'bold,true'], 'Z:9>0=2*0=1=2*1=2$');
+ });
+describe('easysync-mutations', function () {
const applyMutations = (mu, arrayOfArrays) => {
arrayOfArrays.forEach((a) => {
const result = mu[a[0]](...a.slice(1));
@@ -389,22 +608,6 @@ describe('easysync', function () {
['skip', 1, 1, true],
], ['banana\n', 'cabbage\n', 'duffle\n']);
- const runApplyToAttributionTest = (testId, attribs, cs, inAttr, outCorrect) => {
- it(`applyToAttribution#${testId}`, async function () {
- const p = poolOrArray(attribs);
- const result = Changeset.applyToAttribution(Changeset.checkRep(cs), inAttr, p);
- expect(result).to.equal(outCorrect);
- });
- };
- // turn cactus\n into actusabcd\n
- runApplyToAttributionTest(1,
- ['bold,', 'bold,true'], 'Z:7>3-1*0=1*1=1=3+4$abcd', '+1*1+1|1+5', '+1*1+1|1+8');
- // turn "david\ngreenspan\n" into "david\ngreen\n"
- runApplyToAttributionTest(2,
- ['bold,', 'bold,true'], 'Z:g<4*1|1=6*1=5-4$', '|2+g', '*1|1+6*1+5|1+1');
it('mutatorHasMore', async function () {
const lines = ['1\n', '2\n', '3\n', '4\n'];
let mu;
@@ -445,365 +648,268 @@ describe('easysync', function () {
- const runMutateAttributionTest = (testId, attribs, cs, alines, outCorrect) => {
- it(`runMutateAttributionTest#${testId}`, async function () {
- const p = poolOrArray(attribs);
- const alines2 = Array.prototype.slice.call(alines);
- Changeset.mutateAttributionLines(Changeset.checkRep(cs), alines2, p);
- expect(alines2).to.eql(outCorrect);
- const removeQuestionMarks = (a) => a.replace(/\?/g, '');
- const inMerged = Changeset.joinAttributionLines(alines.map(removeQuestionMarks));
- const correctMerged = Changeset.joinAttributionLines(outCorrect.map(removeQuestionMarks));
- const mergedResult = Changeset.applyToAttribution(cs, inMerged, p);
- expect(mergedResult).to.equal(correctMerged);
- });
- };
- // turn 123\n 456\n 789\n into 123\n 456\n 789\n
- runMutateAttributionTest(1,
- ['bold,true'], 'Z:c>0|1=4=1*0=1$', ['|1+4', '|1+4', '|1+4'], ['|1+4', '+1*0+1|1+2', '|1+4']);
- // make a document bold
- runMutateAttributionTest(2,
- ['bold,true'], 'Z:c>0*0|3=c$', ['|1+4', '|1+4', '|1+4'], ['*0|1+4', '*0|1+4', '*0|1+4']);
- // clear bold on document
- runMutateAttributionTest(3,
- ['bold,', 'bold,true'], 'Z:c>0*0|3=c$',
- ['*1+1+1*1+1|1+1', '+1*1+1|1+2', '*1+1+1*1+1|1+1'], ['|1+4', '|1+4', '|1+4']);
- // add a character on line 3 of a document with 5 blank lines, and make sure
- // the optimization that skips purely-kept lines is working; if any attribution string
- // with a '?' is parsed it will cause an error.
- runMutateAttributionTest(4,
- ['foo,bar', 'line,1', 'line,2', 'line,3', 'line,4', 'line,5'],
- 'Z:5>1|2=2+1$x', ['?*1|1+1', '?*2|1+1', '*3|1+1', '?*4|1+1', '?*5|1+1'],
- ['?*1|1+1', '?*2|1+1', '+1*3|1+1', '?*4|1+1', '?*5|1+1']);
- const testPoolWithChars = (() => {
- const p = new AttributePool();
- p.putAttrib(['char', 'newline']);
- for (let i = 1; i < 36; i++) {
- p.putAttrib(['char', Changeset.numToString(i)]);
- }
- p.putAttrib(['char', '']);
- return p;
- })();
- // based on runMutationTest#1
- runMutateAttributionTest(5, testPoolWithChars,
- 'Z:11>7-2*t+1*u+1|2=b|2+a=2*b+1*o+1*t+1*0|1+1*b+1*u+1=3|1-3-6$tucream\npie\nbot\nbu',
- [
- '*a+1*p+2*l+1*e+1*0|1+1',
- '*b+1*a+1*n+1*a+1*n+1*a+1*0|1+1',
- '*c+1*a+1*b+2*a+1*g+1*e+1*0|1+1',
- '*d+1*u+1*f+2*l+1*e+1*0|1+1',
- '*e+1*g+2*p+1*l+1*a+1*n+1*t+1*0|1+1',
- ],
- [
- '*t+1*u+1*p+1*l+1*e+1*0|1+1',
- '*b+1*a+1*n+1*a+1*n+1*a+1*0|1+1',
- '|1+6',
- '|1+4',
- '*c+1*a+1*b+1*o+1*t+1*0|1+1',
- '*b+1*u+1*b+2*a+1*0|1+1',
- '*e+1*g+2*p+1*l+1*a+1*n+1*t+1*0|1+1',
- ]);
- // based on runMutationTest#3
- runMutateAttributionTest(6, testPoolWithChars,
- 'Z:117=1|4+7$\n2\n3\n4\n',
- ['*1+1*5|1+2'], ['*1+1|1+1', '|1+2', '|1+2', '|1+2', '*5|1+2']);
- // based on runMutationTest#5
- runMutateAttributionTest(8, testPoolWithChars, 'Z:a<7=1|4-7$',
- ['*1|1+2', '*2|1+2', '*3|1+2', '*4|1+2', '*5|1+2'], ['*1+1*5|1+2']);
- // based on runMutationTest#6
- runMutateAttributionTest(9, testPoolWithChars, 'Z:k<7*0+1*10|2=8|2-8$0',
- [
- '*1+1*2+1*3+1|1+1',
- '*a+1*b+1*c+1|1+1',
- '*d+1*e+1*f+1|1+1',
- '*g+1*h+1*i+1|1+1',
- '?*x+1*y+1*z+1|1+1',
- ],
- ['*0+1|1+4', '|1+4', '?*x+1*y+1*z+1|1+1']);
- runMutateAttributionTest(10, testPoolWithChars, 'Z:6>4=1+1=1+1|1=1+1=1*0+1$abcd',
- ['|1+3', '|1+3'], ['|1+5', '+2*0+1|1+2']);
- runMutateAttributionTest(11, testPoolWithChars, 'Z:s>1|1=4=6|1+1$\n',
- ['*0|1+4', '*0|1+8', '*0+5|1+1', '*0|1+1', '*0|1+5', '*0|1+1', '*0|1+1', '*0|1+1', '|1+1'],
- [
- '*0|1+4',
- '*0+6|1+1',
- '*0|1+2',
- '*0+5|1+1',
- '*0|1+1',
- '*0|1+5',
- '*0|1+1',
- '*0|1+1',
- '*0|1+1',
- '|1+1',
- ]);
- const testCompose = (randomSeed) => {
- it(`testCompose#${randomSeed}`, async function () {
- const p = new AttributePool();
- const startText = `${randomMultiline(10, 20)}\n`;
- const x1 = randomTestChangeset(startText);
- const change1 = x1[0];
- const text1 = x1[1];
- const x2 = randomTestChangeset(text1);
- const change2 = x2[0];
- const text2 = x2[1];
- const x3 = randomTestChangeset(text2);
- const change3 = x3[0];
- const text3 = x3[1];
- const change12 = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.compose(change1, change2, p));
- const change23 = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.compose(change2, change3, p));
- const change123 = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.compose(change12, change3, p));
- const change123a = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.compose(change1, change23, p));
- expect(change123a).to.equal(change123);
- expect(Changeset.applyToText(change12, startText)).to.equal(text2);
- expect(Changeset.applyToText(change23, text1)).to.equal(text3);
- expect(Changeset.applyToText(change123, startText)).to.equal(text3);
- });
- };
- for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) testCompose(i);
- it('simpleComposeAttributesTest', async function () {
- const p = new AttributePool();
- p.putAttrib(['bold', '']);
- p.putAttrib(['bold', 'true']);
- const cs1 = Changeset.checkRep('Z:2>1*1+1*1=1$x');
- const cs2 = Changeset.checkRep('Z:3>0*0|1=3$');
- const cs12 = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.compose(cs1, cs2, p));
- expect(cs12).to.equal('Z:2>1+1*0|1=2$x');
- });
- describe('followAttributes & composeAttributes', function () {
- const p = new AttributePool();
- p.putAttrib(['x', '']);
- p.putAttrib(['x', 'abc']);
- p.putAttrib(['x', 'def']);
- p.putAttrib(['y', '']);
- p.putAttrib(['y', 'abc']);
- p.putAttrib(['y', 'def']);
- let n = 0;
- const testFollow = (a, b, afb, bfa, merge) => {
- it(`manual #${++n}`, async function () {
- expect(Changeset.exportedForTestingOnly.followAttributes(a, b, p)).to.equal(afb);
- expect(Changeset.exportedForTestingOnly.followAttributes(b, a, p)).to.equal(bfa);
- expect(Changeset.composeAttributes(a, afb, true, p)).to.equal(merge);
- expect(Changeset.composeAttributes(b, bfa, true, p)).to.equal(merge);
+ describe('mutateTextLines', function () {
+ const testMutateTextLines = (testId, cs, lines, correctLines) => {
+ it(`testMutateTextLines#${testId}`, async function () {
+ const a = lines.slice();
+ Changeset.mutateTextLines(cs, a);
+ expect(a).to.eql(correctLines);
- testFollow('', '', '', '', '');
- testFollow('*0', '', '', '*0', '*0');
- testFollow('*0', '*0', '', '', '*0');
- testFollow('*0', '*1', '', '*0', '*0');
- testFollow('*1', '*2', '', '*1', '*1');
- testFollow('*0*1', '', '', '*0*1', '*0*1');
- testFollow('*0*4', '*2*3', '*3', '*0', '*0*3');
- testFollow('*0*4', '*2', '', '*0*4', '*0*4');
+ testMutateTextLines(1, 'Z:4<1|1-2-1|1+1+1$\nc', ['a\n', 'b\n'], ['\n', 'c\n']);
+ testMutateTextLines(2, 'Z:4>0|1-2-1|2+3$\nc\n', ['a\n', 'b\n'], ['\n', 'c\n', '\n']);
- const testFollow = (randomSeed) => {
- it(`testFollow#${randomSeed}`, async function () {
+ describe('mutate attributions', function () {
+ const testPoolWithChars = (() => {
const p = new AttributePool();
- const startText = `${randomMultiline(10, 20)}\n`;
- const cs1 = randomTestChangeset(startText)[0];
- const cs2 = randomTestChangeset(startText)[0];
- const afb = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.follow(cs1, cs2, false, p));
- const bfa = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.follow(cs2, cs1, true, p));
- const merge1 = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.compose(cs1, afb));
- const merge2 = Changeset.checkRep(Changeset.compose(cs2, bfa));
- expect(merge2).to.equal(merge1);
- });
- };
- for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) testFollow(i);
- const testSplitJoinAttributionLines = (randomSeed) => {
- const stringToOps = (str) => {
- const assem = Changeset.mergingOpAssembler();
- const o = new Changeset.Op('+');
- o.chars = 1;
- for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
- const c = str.charAt(i);
- o.lines = (c === '\n' ? 1 : 0);
- o.attribs = (c === 'a' || c === 'b' ? `*${c}` : '');
- assem.append(o);
+ p.putAttrib(['char', 'newline']);
+ for (let i = 1; i < 36; i++) {
+ p.putAttrib(['char', Changeset.numToString(i)]);
- return assem.toString();
+ p.putAttrib(['char', '']);
+ return p;
+ })();
+ const runMutateAttributionTest = (testId, attribs, cs, alines, outCorrect) => {
+ it(`runMutateAttributionTest#${testId}`, async function () {
+ const p = poolOrArray(attribs);
+ const alines2 = Array.prototype.slice.call(alines);
+ Changeset.mutateAttributionLines(Changeset.checkRep(cs), alines2, p);
+ expect(alines2).to.eql(outCorrect);
+ const removeQuestionMarks = (a) => a.replace(/\?/g, '');
+ const inMerged = Changeset.joinAttributionLines(alines.map(removeQuestionMarks));
+ const correctMerged = Changeset.joinAttributionLines(outCorrect.map(removeQuestionMarks));
+ const mergedResult = Changeset.applyToAttribution(cs, inMerged, p);
+ expect(mergedResult).to.equal(correctMerged);
+ });
- it(`testSplitJoinAttributionLines#${randomSeed}`, async function () {
- const doc = `${randomMultiline(10, 20)}\n`;
+ // turn 123\n 456\n 789\n into 123\n 456\n 789\n
+ runMutateAttributionTest(1,
+ ['bold,true'], 'Z:c>0|1=4=1*0=1$', ['|1+4', '|1+4', '|1+4'], ['|1+4', '+1*0+1|1+2', '|1+4']
+ );
- const theJoined = stringToOps(doc);
- const theSplit = doc.match(/[^\n]*\n/g).map(stringToOps);
+ // make a document bold
+ runMutateAttributionTest(2,
+ ['bold,true'], 'Z:c>0*0|3=c$', ['|1+4', '|1+4', '|1+4'], ['*0|1+4', '*0|1+4', '*0|1+4']);
- expect(Changeset.splitAttributionLines(theJoined, doc)).to.eql(theSplit);
- expect(Changeset.joinAttributionLines(theSplit)).to.equal(theJoined);
- });
- };
+ // clear bold on document
+ runMutateAttributionTest(3,
+ ['bold,', 'bold,true'], 'Z:c>0*0|3=c$',
+ ['*1+1+1*1+1|1+1', '+1*1+1|1+2', '*1+1+1*1+1|1+1'], ['|1+4', '|1+4', '|1+4']);
- for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) testSplitJoinAttributionLines(i);
+ // add a character on line 3 of a document with 5 blank lines, and make sure
+ // the optimization that skips purely-kept lines is working; if any attribution string
+ // with a '?' is parsed it will cause an error.
+ runMutateAttributionTest(4,
+ ['foo,bar', 'line,1', 'line,2', 'line,3', 'line,4', 'line,5'],
+ 'Z:5>1|2=2+1$x', ['?*1|1+1', '?*2|1+1', '*3|1+1', '?*4|1+1', '?*5|1+1'],
+ ['?*1|1+1', '?*2|1+1', '+1*3|1+1', '?*4|1+1', '?*5|1+1']);
- it('testMoveOpsToNewPool', async function () {
- const pool1 = new AttributePool();
- const pool2 = new AttributePool();
+ // based on runMutationTest#1
+ runMutateAttributionTest(5, testPoolWithChars,
+ 'Z:11>7-2*t+1*u+1|2=b|2+a=2*b+1*o+1*t+1*0|1+1*b+1*u+1=3|1-3-6$tucream\npie\nbot\nbu',
+ [
+ '*a+1*p+2*l+1*e+1*0|1+1',
+ '*b+1*a+1*n+1*a+1*n+1*a+1*0|1+1',
+ '*c+1*a+1*b+2*a+1*g+1*e+1*0|1+1',
+ '*d+1*u+1*f+2*l+1*e+1*0|1+1',
+ '*e+1*g+2*p+1*l+1*a+1*n+1*t+1*0|1+1',
+ ],
+ [
+ '*t+1*u+1*p+1*l+1*e+1*0|1+1',
+ '*b+1*a+1*n+1*a+1*n+1*a+1*0|1+1',
+ '|1+6',
+ '|1+4',
+ '*c+1*a+1*b+1*o+1*t+1*0|1+1',
+ '*b+1*u+1*b+2*a+1*0|1+1',
+ '*e+1*g+2*p+1*l+1*a+1*n+1*t+1*0|1+1',
+ ]);
- pool1.putAttrib(['baz', 'qux']);
- pool1.putAttrib(['foo', 'bar']);
+ // based on runMutationTest#3
+ runMutateAttributionTest(6, testPoolWithChars,
+ 'Z:117=1|4+7$\n2\n3\n4\n',
+ ['*1+1*5|1+2'], ['*1+1|1+1', '|1+2', '|1+2', '|1+2', '*5|1+2']);
- expect(Changeset.moveOpsToNewPool('Z:1>2*1+1*0+1$ab', pool1, pool2))
- .to.equal('Z:1>2*0+1*1+1$ab');
- expect(Changeset.moveOpsToNewPool('*1+1*0+1', pool1, pool2)).to.equal('*0+1*1+1');
+ // based on runMutationTest#5
+ runMutateAttributionTest(8, testPoolWithChars, 'Z:a<7=1|4-7$',
+ ['*1|1+2', '*2|1+2', '*3|1+2', '*4|1+2', '*5|1+2'], ['*1+1*5|1+2']);
+ // based on runMutationTest#6
+ runMutateAttributionTest(9, testPoolWithChars, 'Z:k<7*0+1*10|2=8|2-8$0',
+ [
+ '*1+1*2+1*3+1|1+1',
+ '*a+1*b+1*c+1|1+1',
+ '*d+1*e+1*f+1|1+1',
+ '*g+1*h+1*i+1|1+1',
+ '?*x+1*y+1*z+1|1+1',
+ ],
+ ['*0+1|1+4', '|1+4', '?*x+1*y+1*z+1|1+1']);
+ runMutateAttributionTest(10, testPoolWithChars, 'Z:6>4=1+1=1+1|1=1+1=1*0+1$abcd',
+ ['|1+3', '|1+3'], ['|1+5', '+2*0+1|1+2']);
+ runMutateAttributionTest(11, testPoolWithChars, 'Z:s>1|1=4=6|1+1$\n',
+ ['*0|1+4', '*0|1+8', '*0+5|1+1', '*0|1+1', '*0|1+5', '*0|1+1', '*0|1+1', '*0|1+1', '|1+1'],
+ [
+ '*0|1+4',
+ '*0+6|1+1',
+ '*0|1+2',
+ '*0+5|1+1',
+ '*0|1+1',
+ '*0|1+5',
+ '*0|1+1',
+ '*0|1+1',
+ '*0|1+1',
+ '|1+1',
+ ]);
+ });
+describe('easysync-other', function () {
+ describe('filter attribute numbers', function () {
+ const testFilterAttribNumbers = (testId, cs, filter, correctOutput) => {
+ it(`testFilterAttribNumbers#${testId}`, async function () {
+ const str = Changeset.filterAttribNumbers(cs, filter);
+ expect(str).to.equal(correctOutput);
+ });
+ };
+ testFilterAttribNumbers(1, '*0*1+1+2+3*1+4*2+5*0*2*1*b*c+6',
+ (n) => (n % 2) === 0, '*0+1+2+3+4*2+5*0*2*c+6');
+ testFilterAttribNumbers(2, '*0*1+1+2+3*1+4*2+5*0*2*1*b*c+6',
+ (n) => (n % 2) === 1, '*1+1+2+3*1+4+5*1*b+6');
- it('testMakeSplice', async function () {
- const t = 'a\nb\nc\n';
- const t2 = Changeset.applyToText(Changeset.makeSplice(t, 5, 0, 'def'), t);
- expect(t2).to.equal('a\nb\ncdef\n');
+ describe('make attribs string', function () {
+ const testMakeAttribsString = (testId, pool, opcode, attribs, correctString) => {
+ it(`testMakeAttribsString#${testId}`, async function () {
+ const p = poolOrArray(pool);
+ const str = Changeset.makeAttribsString(opcode, attribs, p);
+ expect(str).to.equal(correctString);
+ });
+ };
+ testMakeAttribsString(1, ['bold,'], '+', [
+ ['bold', ''],
+ ], '');
+ testMakeAttribsString(2, ['abc,def', 'bold,'], '=', [
+ ['bold', ''],
+ ], '*1');
+ testMakeAttribsString(3, ['abc,def', 'bold,true'], '+', [
+ ['abc', 'def'],
+ ['bold', 'true'],
+ ], '*0*1');
+ testMakeAttribsString(4, ['abc,def', 'bold,true'], '+', [
+ ['bold', 'true'],
+ ['abc', 'def'],
+ ], '*0*1');
- it('testToSplices', async function () {
- const cs = Changeset.checkRep('Z:z>9*0=1=4-3+9=1|1-4-4+1*0+a$123456789abcdefghijk');
- const correctSplices = [
- [5, 8, '123456789'],
- [9, 17, 'abcdefghijk'],
- ];
- expect(Changeset.exportedForTestingOnly.toSplices(cs)).to.eql(correctSplices);
+ describe('other', function () {
+ it('testMoveOpsToNewPool', async function () {
+ const pool1 = new AttributePool();
+ const pool2 = new AttributePool();
+ pool1.putAttrib(['baz', 'qux']);
+ pool1.putAttrib(['foo', 'bar']);
+ pool2.putAttrib(['foo', 'bar']);
+ expect(Changeset.moveOpsToNewPool('Z:1>2*1+1*0+1$ab', pool1, pool2))
+ .to.equal('Z:1>2*0+1*1+1$ab');
+ expect(Changeset.moveOpsToNewPool('*1+1*0+1', pool1, pool2)).to.equal('*0+1*1+1');
+ });
+ it('testMakeSplice', async function () {
+ const t = 'a\nb\nc\n';
+ const t2 = Changeset.applyToText(Changeset.makeSplice(t, 5, 0, 'def'), t);
+ expect(t2).to.equal('a\nb\ncdef\n');
+ });
+ it('testToSplices', async function () {
+ const cs = Changeset.checkRep('Z:z>9*0=1=4-3+9=1|1-4-4+1*0+a$123456789abcdefghijk');
+ const correctSplices = [
+ [5, 8, '123456789'],
+ [9, 17, 'abcdefghijk'],
+ ];
+ expect(Changeset.exportedForTestingOnly.toSplices(cs)).to.eql(correctSplices);
+ });
+ it('opAttributeValue', async function () {
+ const p = new AttributePool();
+ p.putAttrib(['name', 'david']);
+ p.putAttrib(['color', 'green']);
+ const stringOp = (str) => Changeset.deserializeOps(str).next().value;
+ expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('*0*1+1'), 'name', p)).to.equal('david');
+ expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('*0+1'), 'name', p)).to.equal('david');
+ expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('*1+1'), 'name', p)).to.equal('');
+ expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('+1'), 'name', p)).to.equal('');
+ expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('*0*1+1'), 'color', p)).to.equal('green');
+ expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('*1+1'), 'color', p)).to.equal('green');
+ expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('*0+1'), 'color', p)).to.equal('');
+ expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('+1'), 'color', p)).to.equal('');
+ });
+ describe('applyToAttribution', function () {
+ const runApplyToAttributionTest = (testId, attribs, cs, inAttr, outCorrect) => {
+ it(`applyToAttribution#${testId}`, async function () {
+ const p = poolOrArray(attribs);
+ const result = Changeset.applyToAttribution(Changeset.checkRep(cs), inAttr, p);
+ expect(result).to.equal(outCorrect);
+ });
+ };
+ // turn cactus\n into actusabcd\n
+ runApplyToAttributionTest(1,
+ ['bold,', 'bold,true'], 'Z:7>3-1*0=1*1=1=3+4$abcd', '+1*1+1|1+5', '+1*1+1|1+8');
+ // turn "david\ngreenspan\n" into "david\ngreen\n"
+ runApplyToAttributionTest(2,
+ ['bold,', 'bold,true'], 'Z:g<4*1|1=6*1=5-4$', '|2+g', '*1|1+6*1+5|1+1');
+ });
+ describe('split/join attribution lines', function () {
+ const testSplitJoinAttributionLines = (randomSeed) => {
+ const stringToOps = (str) => {
+ const assem = Changeset.mergingOpAssembler();
+ const o = new Changeset.Op('+');
+ o.chars = 1;
+ for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
+ const c = str.charAt(i);
+ o.lines = (c === '\n' ? 1 : 0);
+ o.attribs = (c === 'a' || c === 'b' ? `*${c}` : '');
+ assem.append(o);
+ }
+ return assem.toString();
+ };
+ it(`testSplitJoinAttributionLines#${randomSeed}`, async function () {
+ const doc = `${randomMultiline(10, 20)}\n`;
+ const theJoined = stringToOps(doc);
+ const theSplit = doc.match(/[^\n]*\n/g).map(stringToOps);
+ expect(Changeset.splitAttributionLines(theJoined, doc)).to.eql(theSplit);
+ expect(Changeset.joinAttributionLines(theSplit)).to.equal(theJoined);
+ });
+ };
+ for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) testSplitJoinAttributionLines(i);
+ });
- const testCharacterRangeFollow = (testId, cs, oldRange, insertionsAfter, correctNewRange) => {
- it(`testCharacterRangeFollow#${testId}`, async function () {
- cs = Changeset.checkRep(cs);
- expect(Changeset.characterRangeFollow(cs, oldRange[0], oldRange[1], insertionsAfter))
- .to.eql(correctNewRange);
- });
- };
- testCharacterRangeFollow(1, 'Z:z>9*0=1=4-3+9=1|1-4-4+1*0+a$123456789abcdefghijk',
- [7, 10], false, [14, 15]);
- testCharacterRangeFollow(2, 'Z:bc<6|x=b4|2-6$', [400, 407], false, [400, 401]);
- testCharacterRangeFollow(3, 'Z:4>0-3+3$abc', [0, 3], false, [3, 3]);
- testCharacterRangeFollow(4, 'Z:4>0-3+3$abc', [0, 3], true, [0, 0]);
- testCharacterRangeFollow(5, 'Z:5>1+1=1-3+3$abcd', [1, 4], false, [5, 5]);
- testCharacterRangeFollow(6, 'Z:5>1+1=1-3+3$abcd', [1, 4], true, [2, 2]);
- testCharacterRangeFollow(7, 'Z:5>1+1=1-3+3$abcd', [0, 6], false, [1, 7]);
- testCharacterRangeFollow(8, 'Z:5>1+1=1-3+3$abcd', [0, 3], false, [1, 2]);
- testCharacterRangeFollow(9, 'Z:5>1+1=1-3+3$abcd', [2, 5], false, [5, 6]);
- testCharacterRangeFollow(10, 'Z:2>1+1$a', [0, 0], false, [1, 1]);
- testCharacterRangeFollow(11, 'Z:2>1+1$a', [0, 0], true, [0, 0]);
- it('opAttributeValue', async function () {
- const p = new AttributePool();
- p.putAttrib(['name', 'david']);
- p.putAttrib(['color', 'green']);
- const stringOp = (str) => Changeset.deserializeOps(str).next().value;
- expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('*0*1+1'), 'name', p)).to.equal('david');
- expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('*0+1'), 'name', p)).to.equal('david');
- expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('*1+1'), 'name', p)).to.equal('');
- expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('+1'), 'name', p)).to.equal('');
- expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('*0*1+1'), 'color', p)).to.equal('green');
- expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('*1+1'), 'color', p)).to.equal('green');
- expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('*0+1'), 'color', p)).to.equal('');
- expect(Changeset.opAttributeValue(stringOp('+1'), 'color', p)).to.equal('');
- });
- const testAppendATextToAssembler = (testId, atext, correctOps) => {
- it(`testAppendATextToAssembler#${testId}`, async function () {
- const assem = Changeset.smartOpAssembler();
- for (const op of Changeset.opsFromAText(atext)) assem.append(op);
- expect(assem.toString()).to.equal(correctOps);
- });
- };
- testAppendATextToAssembler(1, {
- text: '\n',
- attribs: '|1+1',
- }, '');
- testAppendATextToAssembler(2, {
- text: '\n\n',
- attribs: '|2+2',
- }, '|1+1');
- testAppendATextToAssembler(3, {
- text: '\n\n',
- attribs: '*x|2+2',
- }, '*x|1+1');
- testAppendATextToAssembler(4, {
- text: '\n\n',
- attribs: '*x|1+1|1+1',
- }, '*x|1+1');
- testAppendATextToAssembler(5, {
- text: 'foo\n',
- attribs: '|1+4',
- }, '+3');
- testAppendATextToAssembler(6, {
- text: '\nfoo\n',
- attribs: '|2+5',
- }, '|1+1+3');
- testAppendATextToAssembler(7, {
- text: '\nfoo\n',
- attribs: '*x|2+5',
- }, '*x|1+1*x+3');
- testAppendATextToAssembler(8, {
- text: '\n\n\nfoo\n',
- attribs: '|2+2*x|2+5',
- }, '|2+2*x|1+1*x+3');
- const testMakeAttribsString = (testId, pool, opcode, attribs, correctString) => {
- it(`testMakeAttribsString#${testId}`, async function () {
- const p = poolOrArray(pool);
- const str = Changeset.makeAttribsString(opcode, attribs, p);
- expect(str).to.equal(correctString);
- });
- };
- testMakeAttribsString(1, ['bold,'], '+', [
- ['bold', ''],
- ], '');
- testMakeAttribsString(2, ['abc,def', 'bold,'], '=', [
- ['bold', ''],
- ], '*1');
- testMakeAttribsString(3, ['abc,def', 'bold,true'], '+', [
- ['abc', 'def'],
- ['bold', 'true'],
- ], '*0*1');
- testMakeAttribsString(4, ['abc,def', 'bold,true'], '+', [
- ['bold', 'true'],
- ['abc', 'def'],
- ], '*0*1');
+describe('easysync-subAttribution', function () {
const testSubattribution = (testId, astr, start, end, correctOutput) => {
it(`subattribution#${testId}`, async function () {
const str = Changeset.subattribution(astr, start, end);
@@ -853,70 +959,4 @@ describe('easysync', function () {
testSubattribution(40, '*0+2+1*1|1+3', 1, 5, '*0+1+1*1+2');
testSubattribution(41, '*0+2+1*1|1+3', 2, 6, '+1*1|1+3');
testSubattribution(42, '*0+2+1*1+3', 2, 6, '+1*1+3');
- const testFilterAttribNumbers = (testId, cs, filter, correctOutput) => {
- it(`testFilterAttribNumbers#${testId}`, async function () {
- const str = Changeset.filterAttribNumbers(cs, filter);
- expect(str).to.equal(correctOutput);
- });
- };
- testFilterAttribNumbers(1, '*0*1+1+2+3*1+4*2+5*0*2*1*b*c+6',
- (n) => (n % 2) === 0, '*0+1+2+3+4*2+5*0*2*c+6');
- testFilterAttribNumbers(2, '*0*1+1+2+3*1+4*2+5*0*2*1*b*c+6',
- (n) => (n % 2) === 1, '*1+1+2+3*1+4+5*1*b+6');
- const testInverse = (testId, cs, lines, alines, pool, correctOutput) => {
- it(`testInverse#${testId}`, async function () {
- pool = poolOrArray(pool);
- const str = Changeset.inverse(Changeset.checkRep(cs), lines, alines, pool);
- expect(str).to.equal(correctOutput);
- });
- };
- // take "FFFFTTTTT" and apply "-FT--FFTT", the inverse of which is "--F--TT--"
- testInverse(1, 'Z:9>0=1*0=1*1=1=2*0=2*1|1=2$', null,
- ['+4*1+5'], ['bold,', 'bold,true'], 'Z:9>0=2*0=1=2*1=2$');
- const testMutateTextLines = (testId, cs, lines, correctLines) => {
- it(`testMutateTextLines#${testId}`, async function () {
- const a = lines.slice();
- Changeset.mutateTextLines(cs, a);
- expect(a).to.eql(correctLines);
- });
- };
- testMutateTextLines(1, 'Z:4<1|1-2-1|1+1+1$\nc', ['a\n', 'b\n'], ['\n', 'c\n']);
- testMutateTextLines(2, 'Z:4>0|1-2-1|2+3$\nc\n', ['a\n', 'b\n'], ['\n', 'c\n', '\n']);
- const testInverseRandom = (randomSeed) => {
- it(`testInverseRandom#${randomSeed}`, async function () {
- const p = poolOrArray(['apple,', 'apple,true', 'banana,', 'banana,true']);
- const startText = `${randomMultiline(10, 20)}\n`;
- const alines =
- Changeset.splitAttributionLines(Changeset.makeAttribution(startText), startText);
- const lines = startText.slice(0, -1).split('\n').map((s) => `${s}\n`);
- const stylifier = randomTestChangeset(startText, true)[0];
- Changeset.mutateAttributionLines(stylifier, alines, p);
- Changeset.mutateTextLines(stylifier, lines);
- const changeset = randomTestChangeset(lines.join(''), true)[0];
- const inverseChangeset = Changeset.inverse(changeset, lines, alines, p);
- const origLines = lines.slice();
- const origALines = alines.slice();
- Changeset.mutateTextLines(changeset, lines);
- Changeset.mutateAttributionLines(changeset, alines, p);
- Changeset.mutateTextLines(inverseChangeset, lines);
- Changeset.mutateAttributionLines(inverseChangeset, alines, p);
- expect(lines).to.eql(origLines);
- expect(alines).to.eql(origALines);
- });
- };
- for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) testInverseRandom(i);