mirror of
synced 2025-01-22 15:26:14 +01:00
180 lines
5.6 KiB
180 lines
5.6 KiB
// Autosize 1.13 - jQuery plugin for textareas
// (c) 2012 Jack Moore - jacklmoore.com
// license: www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
(function ($) {
defaults = {
className: 'autosizejs',
append: "",
callback: false
hidden = 'hidden',
borderBox = 'border-box',
lineHeight = 'lineHeight',
copy = '<textarea tabindex="-1" style="position:absolute; top:-9999px; left:-9999px; right:auto; bottom:auto; -moz-box-sizing:content-box; -webkit-box-sizing:content-box; box-sizing:content-box; word-wrap:break-word; height:0 !important; min-height:0 !important; overflow:hidden;"/>',
// line-height is omitted because IE7/IE8 doesn't return the correct value.
copyStyle = [
oninput = 'oninput',
onpropertychange = 'onpropertychange',
test = $(copy)[0];
// For testing support in old FireFox
test.setAttribute(oninput, "return");
if ($.isFunction(test[oninput]) || onpropertychange in test) {
// test that line-height can be accurately copied to avoid
// incorrect value reporting in old IE and old Opera
$(test).css(lineHeight, '99px');
if ($(test).css(lineHeight) === '99px') {
$.fn.autosize = function (options) {
options = $.extend({}, defaults, options || {});
return this.each(function () {
ta = this,
$ta = $(ta),
minHeight = $ta.height(),
maxHeight = parseInt($ta.css('maxHeight'), 10),
i = copyStyle.length,
boxOffset = 0,
value = ta.value,
callback = $.isFunction(options.callback);
if ($ta.css('box-sizing') === borderBox || $ta.css('-moz-box-sizing') === borderBox || $ta.css('-webkit-box-sizing') === borderBox){
boxOffset = $ta.outerHeight() - $ta.height();
if ($ta.data('mirror') || $ta.data('ismirror')) {
// if autosize has already been applied, exit.
// if autosize is being applied to a mirror element, exit.
} else {
mirror = $(copy).data('ismirror', true).addClass(options.className)[0];
resize = $ta.css('resize') === 'none' ? 'none' : 'horizontal';
$ta.data('mirror', $(mirror)).css({
overflow: hidden,
overflowY: hidden,
wordWrap: 'break-word',
resize: resize
// Opera returns '-1px' when max-height is set to 'none'.
maxHeight = maxHeight && maxHeight > 0 ? maxHeight : 9e4;
// Using mainly bare JS in this function because it is going
// to fire very often while typing, and needs to very efficient.
function adjust() {
var height, overflow, original;
// the active flag keeps IE from tripping all over itself. Otherwise
// actions in the adjust function will cause IE to call adjust again.
if (!active) {
active = true;
mirror.value = ta.value + options.append;
mirror.style.overflowY = ta.style.overflowY;
original = parseInt(ta.style.height,10);
// Update the width in case the original textarea width has changed
mirror.style.width = $ta.css('width');
// Needed for IE to reliably return the correct scrollHeight
mirror.scrollTop = 0;
// Set a very high value for scrollTop to be sure the
// mirror is scrolled all the way to the bottom.
mirror.scrollTop = 9e4;
height = mirror.scrollTop;
overflow = hidden;
if (height > maxHeight) {
height = maxHeight;
overflow = 'scroll';
} else if (height < minHeight) {
height = minHeight;
height += boxOffset;
ta.style.overflowY = overflow;
if (original !== height) {
ta.style.height = height + 'px';
if (callback) {
// This small timeout gives IE a chance to draw it's scrollbar
// before adjust can be run again (prevents an infinite loop).
setTimeout(function () {
active = false;
}, 1);
// mirror is a duplicate textarea located off-screen that
// is automatically updated to contain the same text as the
// original textarea. mirror always has a height of 0.
// This gives a cross-browser supported way getting the actual
// height of the text, through the scrollTop property.
while (i--) {
mirror.style[copyStyle[i]] = $ta.css(copyStyle[i]);
if (onpropertychange in ta) {
if (oninput in ta) {
// Detects IE9. IE9 does not fire onpropertychange or oninput for deletions,
// so binding to onkeyup to catch most of those occassions. There is no way that I
// know of to detect something like 'cut' in IE9.
ta[oninput] = ta.onkeyup = adjust;
} else {
// IE7 / IE8
ta[onpropertychange] = adjust;
} else {
// Modern Browsers
ta[oninput] = adjust;
// The textarea overflow is now hidden. But Chrome doesn't reflow the text after the scrollbars are removed.
// This is a hack to get Chrome to reflow it's text.
ta.value = '';
ta.value = value;
// Allow for manual triggering if needed.
$ta.bind('autosize', adjust);
// Call adjust in case the textarea already contains text.
} else {
// Makes no changes for older browsers (FireFox3- and Safari4-)
$.fn.autosize = function (callback) {
return this;