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# editorInfo
2012-08-03 22:04:06 +02:00
## editorInfo.ace_replaceRange(start, end, text)
2012-08-03 22:04:06 +02:00
This function replaces a range (from `start` to `end`) with `text`.
## editorInfo.ace_getRep()
2012-08-03 22:04:06 +02:00
Returns the `rep` object.
## editorInfo.ace_getAuthor()
## editorInfo.ace_inCallStack()
## editorInfo.ace_inCallStackIfNecessary(?)
## editorInfo.ace_focus(?)
## editorInfo.ace_importText(?)
## editorInfo.ace_importAText(?)
## editorInfo.ace_exportText(?)
## editorInfo.ace_editorChangedSize(?)
## editorInfo.ace_setOnKeyPress(?)
## editorInfo.ace_setOnKeyDown(?)
## editorInfo.ace_setNotifyDirty(?)
## editorInfo.ace_dispose(?)
## editorInfo.ace_getFormattedCode(?)
## editorInfo.ace_setEditable(bool)
## editorInfo.ace_execCommand(?)
## editorInfo.ace_callWithAce(fn, callStack, normalize)
## editorInfo.ace_setProperty(key, value)
## editorInfo.ace_setBaseText(txt)
## editorInfo.ace_setBaseAttributedText(atxt, apoolJsonObj)
## editorInfo.ace_applyChangesToBase(c, optAuthor, apoolJsonObj)
## editorInfo.ace_prepareUserChangeset()
## editorInfo.ace_applyPreparedChangesetToBase()
## editorInfo.ace_setUserChangeNotificationCallback(f)
## editorInfo.ace_setAuthorInfo(author, info)
## editorInfo.ace_setAuthorSelectionRange(author, start, end)
## editorInfo.ace_getUnhandledErrors()
## editorInfo.ace_getDebugProperty(prop)
## editorInfo.ace_fastIncorp(?)
## editorInfo.ace_isCaret(?)
## editorInfo.ace_getLineAndCharForPoint(?)
## editorInfo.ace_performDocumentApplyAttributesToCharRange(?)
## editorInfo.ace_setAttributeOnSelection(?)
## editorInfo.ace_toggleAttributeOnSelection(?)
## editorInfo.ace_getAttributeOnSelection(attribute)
Returns a boolean if an attribute exists on a selected range.
The attribute should be the string name of the attribute applied to the selection IE subscript
Example usage: Apply the activeButton Class to a button if an attribute is on a highlighted/selected caret position or range.
Example: `call.editorInfo.ace_getAttributeOnSelection("subscript");` // call here is the callstack from aceEditEvent.
See the ep_subscript plugin for an example of this function in action.
Notes: Does not work on first or last character of a line. Suffers from a race condition if called with aceEditEvent.
## editorInfo.ace_performSelectionChange(?)
## editorInfo.ace_doIndentOutdent(?)
## editorInfo.ace_doUndoRedo(?)
## editorInfo.ace_doInsertUnorderedList(?)
## editorInfo.ace_doInsertOrderedList(?)
## editorInfo.ace_performDocumentApplyAttributesToRange()
2012-10-02 02:14:27 +02:00
## editorInfo.ace_getAuthorInfos()
2012-10-02 02:18:19 +02:00
Returns an info object about the author. Object key = author_id and info includes author's bg color value.
2012-10-02 02:14:27 +02:00
Use to define your own authorship.
## editorInfo.ace_performDocumentReplaceRange(start, end, newText)
This function replaces a range (from [x1,y1] to [x2,y2]) with `newText`.
## editorInfo.ace_performDocumentReplaceCharRange(startChar, endChar, newText)
This function replaces a range (from y1 to y2) with `newText`.
## editorInfo.ace_renumberList(lineNum)
If you delete a line, calling this method will fix the line numbering.
## editorInfo.ace_doReturnKey()
2012-10-02 02:14:27 +02:00
Forces a return key at the current carret position.
## editorInfo.ace_isBlockElement(element)
Returns true if your passed elment is registered as a block element
## editorInfo.ace_getLineListType(lineNum)
Returns the line's html list type.
## editorInfo.ace_caretLine()
2012-10-02 02:14:27 +02:00
Returns X position of the caret.
## editorInfo.ace_caretColumn()
2012-10-02 02:14:27 +02:00
Returns Y position of the caret.
## editorInfo.ace_caretDocChar()
2012-10-02 02:14:27 +02:00
Returns the Y offset starting from [x=0,y=0]
## editorInfo.ace_isWordChar(?)