By default, the Etherpad Docker image is built and run in `production` mode: no development dependencies are installed, and asset bundling speeds up page load time.
Edit `<BASEDIR>/settings.json.docker` at your will. When rebuilding the image, this file will be copied inside your image and renamed to `settings.json`.
**Each configuration parameter can also be set via an environment variable**, using the syntax `"${ENV_VAR}"` or `"${ENV_VAR:default_value}"`. For details, refer to `settings.json.template`.
| `TITLE` | The name of the instance | `Etherpad` |
| `FAVICON` | favicon default name, or a fully specified URL to your own favicon | `favicon.ico` |
| `DEFAULT_PAD_TEXT` | The default text of a pad | `Welcome to Etherpad! This pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents! Get involved with Etherpad at` |
| `INTEGRATED_CHAT` | Whether to enable the built-in chat feature. Set this to false if you prefer to use a plugin to provide chat functionality or simply do not want the feature. | true |
| `IP` | IP which etherpad should bind at. Change to `::` for IPv6 | `` |
| `PORT` | port which etherpad should bind at | `9001` |
| `ADMIN_PASSWORD` | the password for the `admin` user (leave unspecified if you do not want to create it) | |
| `USER_PASSWORD` | the password for the first user `user` (leave unspecified if you do not want to create it) | |
If your database needs additional settings, you will have to use a personalized `settings.json.docker` and rebuild the container (or otherwise put the updated `settings.json` inside your image).
You can use the UI skin variants builder at `/p/test#skinvariantsbuilder`
For the colibris skin only, you can choose how to render the three main containers:
* toolbar (top menu with icons)
* editor (containing the text of the pad)
* background (area outside of editor, mostly visible when using page style)
For each of the 3 containers you can choose 4 color combinations:
* super-light
* light
* dark
* super-dark
For the editor container, you can also make it full width by adding `full-width-editor` variant (by default editor is rendered as a page, with a max-width of 900px).
| `COOKIE_SAME_SITE` | Value of the SameSite cookie property. | `"Lax"` |
| `COOKIE_SESSION_LIFETIME` | How long (ms) a user can be away before they must log in again. | `864000000` (10 days) |
| `COOKIE_SESSION_REFRESH_INTERVAL` | How often (ms) to write the latest cookie expiration time. | `86400000` (1 day) |
| `SHOW_SETTINGS_IN_ADMIN_PAGE` | hide/show the settings.json in admin page | `true` |
| `TRUST_PROXY` | set to `true` if you are using a reverse proxy in front of Etherpad (for example: Traefik for SSL termination via Let's Encrypt). This will affect security and correctness of the logs if not done | `false` |
| `IMPORT_MAX_FILE_SIZE` | maximum allowed file size when importing a pad, in bytes. | `52428800` (50 MB) |
| `IMPORT_EXPORT_MAX_REQ_PER_IP` | maximum number of import/export calls per IP. | `10` |
| `IMPORT_EXPORT_RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW` | the call rate for import/export requests will be estimated in this time window (in milliseconds) | `90000` |
| `COMMIT_RATE_LIMIT_DURATION` | duration of the rate limit window for commits by individual users/IPs (in seconds) | `1` |
| `COMMIT_RATE_LIMIT_POINTS` | maximum number of changes per IP to allow during the rate limit window | `10` |
| `SUPPRESS_ERRORS_IN_PAD_TEXT` | Should we suppress errors from being visible in the default Pad Text? | `false` |
| `REQUIRE_SESSION` | If this option is enabled, a user must have a session to access pads. This effectively allows only group pads to be accessed. | `false` |
| `EDIT_ONLY` | Users may edit pads but not create new ones. Pad creation is only via the API. This applies both to group pads and regular pads. | `false` |
| `MINIFY` | If true, all css & js will be minified before sending to the client. This will improve the loading performance massively, but makes it difficult to debug the javascript/css | `true` |
| `MAX_AGE` | How long may clients use served javascript code (in seconds)? Not setting this may cause problems during deployment. Set to 0 to disable caching. | `21600` (6 hours) |
| `ABIWORD` | Absolute path to the Abiword executable. Abiword is needed to get advanced import/export features of pads. Setting it to null disables Abiword and will only allow plain text and HTML import/exports. | `null` |
| `SOFFICE` | This is the absolute path to the soffice executable. LibreOffice can be used in lieu of Abiword to export pads. Setting it to null disables LibreOffice exporting. | `null` |
| `TIDY_HTML` | Path to the Tidy executable. Tidy is used to improve the quality of exported pads. Setting it to null disables Tidy. | `null` |
| `ALLOW_UNKNOWN_FILE_ENDS` | Allow import of file types other than the supported ones: txt, doc, docx, rtf, odt, html & htm | `true` |
| `REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION` | This setting is used if you require authentication of all users. Note: "/admin" always requires authentication. | `false` |
| `REQUIRE_AUTHORIZATION` | Require authorization by a module, or a user with is_admin set, see below. | `false` |
| `AUTOMATIC_RECONNECTION_TIMEOUT` | Time (in seconds) to automatically reconnect pad when a "Force reconnect" message is shown to user. Set to 0 to disable automatic reconnection. | `0` |
| `FOCUS_LINE_PERCENTAGE_ABOVE` | Percentage of viewport height to be additionally scrolled. e.g. 0.5, to place caret line in the middle of viewport, when user edits a line above of the viewport. Set to 0 to disable extra scrolling | `0` |
| `FOCUS_LINE_PERCENTAGE_BELOW` | Percentage of viewport height to be additionally scrolled. e.g. 0.5, to place caret line in the middle of viewport, when user edits a line below of the viewport. Set to 0 to disable extra scrolling | `0` |
| `FOCUS_LINE_PERCENTAGE_ARROW_UP` | Percentage of viewport height to be additionally scrolled when user presses arrow up in the line of the top of the viewport. Set to 0 to let the scroll to be handled as default by Etherpad | `0` |
| `FOCUS_LINE_DURATION` | Time (in milliseconds) used to animate the scroll transition. Set to 0 to disable animation | `0` |
| `FOCUS_LINE_CARET_SCROLL` | Flag to control if it should scroll when user places the caret in the last line of the viewport | `false` |
| `SOCKETIO_MAX_HTTP_BUFFER_SIZE` | The maximum size (in bytes) of a single message accepted via Socket.IO. If a client sends a larger message, its connection gets closed to prevent DoS (memory exhaustion) attacks. | `10000` |
| `LOAD_TEST` | Allow Load Testing tools to hit the Etherpad Instance. WARNING: this will disable security on the instance. | `false` |
| `DUMP_ON_UNCLEAN_EXIT` | Enable dumping objects preventing a clean exit of Node.js. WARNING: this has a significant performance impact. | `false` |
| `EXPOSE_VERSION` | Expose Etherpad version in the web interface and in the Server http header. Do not enable on production machines. | `false` |