# Kiss4web-demo ## Developing environment Kiss4web-demo project uses strictly Eclipse Kepler, Java 6, GIT. CAUTION: as said in Eclipse wiki (https://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse/Installation): "A Java 6 JRE/JDK is recommended for Eclipse 4.3.". To launch Eclipse Kepler with JDK 6 when default Java is another one, In ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse.ini, add the following lines: -vm /usr/java/jdk6/bin/java (... -vmargs) ## Build GeneaQuilt uses Ant and generates a geneaquilt-x.y.z folder which contains: - x.jar : full software. - x-core.jar : only compiled class without any library. - x-core-source.jar : sources. # License Kiss4web-demo is released under the GNU LGPL license.