2013-09-17 16:27:31 +02:00
commons-lang3-3.1-sources.jar Merge from Puck. 2013-06-29 15:36:07 +02:00
commons-lang3-3.1.jar Merge from Puck. 2013-06-29 15:36:07 +02:00
hamcrest-core-1.3-sources.jar Improve build and test. Clean jar. 2013-06-25 02:31:19 +02:00
hamcrest-core-1.3.jar Improve build and test. Clean jar. 2013-06-25 02:31:19 +02:00
joda-time-2.3-sources.jar Add Joda-time library. 2013-09-17 16:27:31 +02:00
joda-time-2.3.jar Add Joda-time library. 2013-09-17 16:27:31 +02:00
junit-4.11-sources.jar Improve build and test. Clean jar. 2013-06-25 02:31:19 +02:00
junit-4.11.jar Improve build and test. Clean jar. 2013-06-25 02:31:19 +02:00 Update log4j lib. 2013-06-26 14:16:28 +02:00
log4j-1.2.17.jar Update log4j lib. 2013-06-26 14:16:28 +02:00
README Add Joda-time library. 2013-09-17 16:27:31 +02:00
slf4j-api-1.7.5-sources.jar Migrate to SLF4J. 2013-06-26 16:40:18 +02:00
slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar Migrate to SLF4J. 2013-06-26 16:40:18 +02:00
slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5-sources.jar Migrate to SLF4J. 2013-06-26 16:40:18 +02:00
slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar Migrate to SLF4J. 2013-06-26 16:40:18 +02:00

Description of used libraries:
- commons-lang: useful tools (StringUtils...)
- hamcrest-core: required by junit
- joda-time: useful DateTime library
- junit: unit tests API
- log4j: log API
- slf4j-api: facade log API
- slf4j-log4j12: adaptation layer between slf4j and log4j