# CatGenerator CatGenerator is a Java version of the Cat avatar Generator by David Revoy. ## README of Cat avatar Generator Source: https://www.peppercarrot.com/extras/html/2016_cat-generator/ Cat avatar Generator ==================== Source code and graphics CC-By [1] David Revoy [2] ( artworks of Cats and open-raster file ) Originally inspired of the code for "MonsterID" by Andreas Gohr [3]. If you use this software and/or graphics please link back to http://www.splitbrain.org/go/monsterid, http://www.peppercarrot.com How to edit: ============ 1. Open img/00_SRC.ora with Krita. Do your edit/draw/paint, respect layer naming, save. 2. Open it again in Gimp, with the 'export layer plugin' [4] 3. Scale the image down to the result you want (eg. 256px x 256px as on the demo ) 3. File > Export layer. Allow invisible layer to be exported, check 'image size', PNG 4. Done. PNG files of 'parts' extracted. [1] http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ [2] http://www.peppercarrot.com [3] https://www.splitbrain.org/projects/monsterid [4] https://github.com/khalim19/gimp-plugin-export-layers/releases/download/2.4/export-layers-2.4.zip ## LICENSE CatGenerator is released under the GNU AGPL+ license. Enjoy! ## AUTHOR Christian Pierre MOMON ## DOCUMENTATION ## Requirements - Java 11 - Eclipse 4.16 (202006). ## INSTALL TODO ### Unit test environment For unit tests, install the TestNG: * https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/testng-eclipse * Eclipse menu > Help > Eclipse Marketplace > Find "TestNG" > TestNG for Eclipse: Install button ## LOGO Author: Christian Pierre MOMON License: Creative Commons CC-BY-SA last version.