# Calgen Calgen is a simple toot to generate calendar. ## LICENSE Calgen is released under the GNU AGPLv3+ license. Enjoy! Authors: * Christian Pierre MOMON ### Logo Author: Christian Pierre MOMON Based on the generous artwork of ElegantThemes.com: https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/freebie-of-the-week/beautiful-flat-icons-for-free "These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL". ### Other stuff License of other stuff: * other: without any specific information, default license of images is CC-BY-SA 3+. ## DOCUMENTATION
> calgen -h
calgen CLI version 0.17.2-20211203175708
    calgen [ -h | -help | --help ]
    calgen [ -v | -version | --version ]
    calgen             generate calendar of the given year
./calgen.sh  2022 | head
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2023 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-- Sa 31/12
== Ve 30/12
== Je 29/12
== Me 28/12
== Ma 27/12
== Lu 26/12
############ Semaine S52 ############
## Requirements - Java 17 - Eclipse 4.16 (202006). ## INSTALL TODO ### Unit test environment For unit tests, install the TestNG: * https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/testng-eclipse * Eclipse menu > Help > Eclipse Marketplace > Find "TestNG" > TestNG for Eclipse: Install button